Winners of the Bon Appétit Chef Competition at Fall For Hatcher

The votes (dollars) were tallied and the three winners of the Bon Appétit Chef Competition Awards were announced the evening of October 8th at the 2019 Fall for Hatcher. Eight restaurants were represented by their sumptuous spread of samplings of the foods they offer at their restaurants. Patrons of Fall For Hatcher had the opportunity to sample the food our participating restaurants provided and vote for them by depositing money in jars at their tables. The Bon Appétit Chef Competition Awards were generously sponsored by Ann and Jimmy Hunt.


The Farmer’s Table won first place in the voting competition (their third time in the past four years!). Information about their restaurant can be found at They were the winner of a $1000 cash prize.


Palmetto Palate Catering placed second in votes and received a prize of $500. View their catering menu at


As our third place winner, Bubba’s BBQ & Bash received an award of $250. For more information about Bubba’s BBQ & Bash, please visit

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