Come join us on the final day of the Spring Plant Sale for this informational event with the Master Gardener Association of the Piedmont at Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve. A variety of informative half hour classes will be conducted in the morning on subjects like propagation to choosing native plants for your garden.
Registration begins at 8:00 am at the main entrance to Hatcher Garden. The first class will begin promptly at 9:00 am. Guest speakers include: Elaine Allen, Jeanette Robison, Lori Waddell and Garland Allen. Seating is not provided so it is recommended you bring your own chair if you need one. We ask for a donation for the event whose proceeds will benefit the Master Gardener Association of the Piedmont and Hatcher Garden and Woodland Preserve. See you then!
Schedule of Classes
9-9:30 am How to get plants for free: Propagation Jess Taylor Pavilion (temporarily named Propagation Pavilion)
9:45-10:15 am Landscape Design Children’s Garden
10:30-11:0 am Planting Natives Overlook Terrace
11:15-11:45 am Bees, Bees, Bees Activity Deck